Green your Code

Visualize and optimize energy consumption of your code during development


Energy Profiling

Measure and visualize energy consumption of JavaScript and TypeScript Node.js projects

Detailed Measurements

Track CPU time, CPU energy consumption, and RAM energy consumption for each component of your application

VS Code Integration

Visualize energy consumption directly in your code editor down to the exact line of code and library call

Test Framework

Run measurements during tests (currently we support Jest, others will come soon)

Why use Oaklean?

Contribute to radical CO2 savings in the fast-growing IT sector

Identify energy-intensive code sections

Raise and show awareness for responsible resource management

Get suggestions for eco-friendly alternatives

Achieve both ecological and economic benefits

Compare energy efficiency between commits and versions

Measure and optimize energy consumption during development

Gain insights into your used libraries

Gain full transparency into your code‘s carbon footprint

Oaklean is published under the open source MIT licence

How It Works

Oaklean combines CPU energy measurements from manufacturers with the V8 engine measurements to provide accurate and detailed energy consumption data.

We support macOS and Linux - Windows is on the way.

VS Code Extension Preview

Visualize energy consumption directly in your code editor down to the exact line of code and library call.

VS Code Extension Preview


  1. Install the NPM package for pure code:
    npm install @oaklean/profiler

    or the NPM package for your jest tests:
    npm install @oaklean/profiler-jest-environment
  2. Configure Oaklean in your project
  3. Load the VS Code Extension for visualization
  4. Green your Code 🌳